Collecting stats

This tool allows you to analyze collecting activities for any Tezos NFT wallet address. It provides detailed insights into collecting patterns, investments, and interactions with artists on the Tezos blockchain.

Tool access


Collection Overview

  • Total artworks and editions collected

  • Number of distinct artists collected from

  • Current collection size (owned artworks/editions)

  • Total editions sold

  • Collection activity timeline (first/last collected dates)

Financial Statistics

  • Total amount spent on purchases (in tez)

  • Total sales revenue (in tez)

  • Overall profit/loss

  • Average daily spending

  • Royalties paid to artists on secondary sales

Top Artists Analysis

The "FAN OF" table shows the top 100 artists you collect from, including:

  • Number of tokens collected per artist

  • Editions owned

  • Amount spent on each artist's work

  • Sales revenue per artist

  • Profit/Loss per artist

Buyer Analysis

The "BIGGEST BUYERS" table shows the top 100 collectors who bought from your wallet, including:

  • Number of tokens purchased

  • Total editions bought

  • Amount spent by each buyer

How to Use

  1. Enter your Tezos wallet address in the input field

  2. Click submit or press enter

  3. Wait for the data to load

  4. Browse through the statistics and sortable tables

Note: The tool only tracks collecting activities (buying/selling other artists' works). If you are an artist, sales of your own artworks are not included in these statistics.

For users with multiple wallets: If you've configured your wallets in the tool settings, the statistics will include data from all your connected wallets.

Last updated